Major Incidents

Major Incident Support – Fatality and Major Accident

Sphere were urgently called to assist with a medium sized production company that had just experienced a major accident that resulted in one of their employees being severely injured.

Immediately Sphere liaised with the HSE and insurers over the serious nature of the incident.

Rapidly, the following actions were undertaken:

First to attended the site and assess the scene of the accident, Sphere carried out a full accident investigation, utilising Sphere’s proprietary investigation template, which is based upon HSE and IOSH systems and that has been well proven and utilised for this important purpose.

The investigation raised many improvement opportunities including:

  • Training, information & instruction.
  • Competent supervision,
  • Maintenance and servicing,
  • Machine compliance, (including various quality standards applying to manufacture of machinery), Safety critical devices, (including servicing and functionality test),
  • Company culture,
  • Ergonomic machine layout,
  • Previous history of accidents and incidents, (along with any other complimentary evidence that identified the problem before the accident,)
  • Suitable witness statements,
  • Operator observations & management systems.

The conclusions & action plan drawn up by Sphere provided:

Objective led actions and advice based upon factual evidence

Factual advice to Senior Management as to their personal liabilities

Improvement recommendations based upon the SMART principles

A budget schedule and realistic time frame for improvements

Management of HSE and Insurance inspections, stakeholder advice and interest

Further to the initial actions Sphere worked closely with the Senior Management Team to complete all actions and ensure that in a reasonable timeframe, the HSE and the organizations insurers regained their trust with the company’s management team and their operations.

Sphere are very pleased to be associated with this company and continue to support, advise and provide specific safety services.  The annual review, instigated by Sphere, provides an improvement plan, which year by year easily demonstrates, to all stakeholders, the commitment to safety and employee wellbeing by the organsiation.

Major Incidents

Need help with major incidents safety management?

We’re here to help you when you need us, building confidence, trust and a long term partnership with you. We specialise in offering health and safety services that reduce your business risk, protecting your reputation, your staff and your business. Call us direct on: 01473 945195 or use the form below:

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