Construction Safety

Construction Safety

You will be pleased to know that Sphere have an excellent background working on construction projects and takes pride in its ability to  provide sound, practical safe and healthy solutions to a wide variety of construction conundrums.  Sphere has managed construction projects ranging in value from £150k to £80m, working with our clients teams and a workforce from 10, up to 500 and taking anything from 3 months to 4 years to complete.

The construction industry is covered by a specific set of legislation called Construction Design and Management Regulations. Under this legislation there are three main duty holders and for health and safety purposes:-

Client – To ensure that safety is built into the project from the outset, the ultimate responsibility for health and safety within the project

Principal Designer (PD) – To design safety into his structure, communicate and engage with safety in design

Principal Contractor (PC) – To ensure that safe and healthy methods are used throughout the construction phase of the project

Using a simple but clear management process involving Control, Competence, Co-ordination, & Communication, Sphere is keen to provide its clients, whether they be the Client PD or PC, to ensure that construction operations and activities are safe, practices are healthy, and to provide evidence of these operations and activities.

The health and safety life cycle of a typical construction project

  1. Before the construction phase

Meet the client to discuss duty holders, nature and scope of the project

Regularly review plans, arrange progress meetings & communicate with the respective duty holders

Ascertain high or other risk areas and work with stakeholders to minimise that risk

Attend site visits to ascertain site topography and other local challenges

Assist in drawing up a pre tender construction phase plan where the PD needs advice or help.

Advise the client on Site Safety Inspection schedules

Ensure commencement of the safety file

  1. During the construction phase

Advise the PC on respective site based H&S matters

Advise and ensure contractor control systems are in place

Complete regular H&S site visits

Ensure Inspection & communication reports are rolled out to site operatives

Ensure ongoing compilation of safety file

  1. Completion of construction project

Ensure safety File completion and handover

Communication And Engagement

Risk assessments and method statements are an essential communication tool that must be utilised and evidence gained to ensure safety and health on any construction project.

Toolbox talks and safety briefings are an essential part of communicating safety behaviour and Sphere relishes the chance to interact and improve your contractor and operatives safety perception.

Note:  CDM project planning is applied throughout the project lifetime utilizing the SMART system

Other Health & Safety Services

There are other general health and safety services provided dependent upon the client’s requirements and geared to the construction project and risk at hand


Need help with construction safety management?

We’re here to help you when you need us, building confidence, trust and a long term partnership with you. We specialise in offering health and safety services that reduce your business risk, protecting your reputation, your staff and your business. Call us direct on: 01473 945195 or use the form below:

    Need expert advice? Call us direct on: 01473 945195

    We’re here to help you when you need us.